Changelog plugin MyTado - beta
03/09/2025 - Version 5.0
- Redesign of equipment configuration management for greater flexibility in the future, regardless of plugin versions.
- Added user-type equipment to obtain detailed information on Tado user locations for your scenarios.
- It is now possible to customize user images, which are displayed on the home widget when present.
- Ability to choose the data refresh frequency.
02/20/2025 - Version 4.1
- For TadoX devices, the displayed temperature is now the one measured by the device (instead of the zone temperature).
- The Tado Home widget now shows the number of people present.
02/16/2025 - Version 4.0
- The daemon now relies on the JeedomDaemon module by Mips, which eliminates any memory leaks.
- The home equipment has a new action to determine how many users are at home.
- Objects with multiple roles (e.g., boiler and water heater control) are now represented by one piece of equipment per function.
- Action parameters are now available for command testing and in scenarios.
01/19/2025 - Version 3.1
- The possible values for the various parameters of air conditioning modules are now retrieved dynamically.
- Fixed an issue with retrieving the state of a TadoX device when it is in manual mode for a defined duration.
- Updated the documentation to describe how to manage scenarios with MyTado.
12/2024 - Version 3.0
- TadoX devices are now supported
- Weather is converted into a home, and the connection configuration has been shifted to this “home” device
- It is possible to configure multiple homes in case of owning both Tado and TadoX devices (what requires 2 separate homes)
- 4 new commands added for Tado(X) devices: enable, disable, time of the last data update, and battery level
11/2024 - Version 2.0
- Tado communication is now managed via a daemon to avoid latencies
10/30/2024 - Version 1.6
- Errors in retrieving the capabilities of an AC-type object no longer block the retrieval of other devices
10/17/2024 - Version 1.5
- Heating power is now collected and displayed
- It is now possible to change the default naming of your devices
- Spanish translation now available
10/13/2024 - Version 1.4
- Bug fix: Default name of weather commands ensured
- Different versions of the same type of known object model are now configured the same way
25/05/2024 - Version 1.3
- Air-conditionning and boiling devices are now managed
- Translation in german added
08/05/2024 - Version 1.2
- Commands enable/disable replaced by mode info and set_mode action
- Device widget updated accordingly
05/05/2024 - Version 1.1
- New commands to enable/disable devices as well as one to set manually targeted temperature
- First widgets’ version
25/04/2024 - version 1.0