The MyTado plugin allows you to retrieve data from your connected Tado and Tado X devices, as well as weather information managed by Tado.
Data refreshes every 30 minutes.
Supported Devices
Currently, only models BU0X, BP0, BR0X, CK04, RU0X, SU0X, VA0X, and WR0X are fully supported (regardless of their version). If you encounter issues with unsupported devices or any problems with the listed ones, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.
First, go to the plugin configuration. Make sure to install dependencies and then start the daemon. If you can’t start the daemon, the default port (59969) might already be in use. In this case, set a known available port in the configuration section, save, and try to restart the daemon. If the problem persists, follow the instructions in the Troubleshooting section.
Optionally, you can also change the following two parameters:
Once the daemon is running, close the configuration page to return to the plugin main page and follow these steps:
If the information is correct, additional details about your home will be added, and Tado or TadoX devices (depending on your home) will be synchronized within a few seconds. Close the home to check if your devices appear. If nothing happens after a few seconds, refresh the page manually. If your devices do not appear, check the logs to see if you can resolve any issues. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the Troubleshooting section.
Finally, if you add devices to your Tado/TadoX home, the Synchronization button is there to fetch them.
If you own both Tado and TadoX devices, you will have two homes. You must create a home for each of your Tado accounts. All devices will be listed regardless of which home they come from.
Simply use the Synchronization command to fetch any new connected devices added to your Tado home or after a plugin update that supports a new type of device you own.
Clicking on a connected Tado device takes you directly to its configuration page:
Clicking on the Commands tab shows a list of all available commands and the option to log numerical values. Data updates every 30 minutes, but you can force an update on demand with the Refresh command.
In the dashboard, the widget displays the image corresponding to your device and the current information and configurations. You can also set the operating mode of your device:
Important Information
In the case of a manual temperature change, it will be applied to all devices in the same zone as your device (this is how Tado works).
Clicking on your Tado home takes you directly to its configuration page:
As well as your Tado connection information for this home (don’t forget to change your password here if you change it on the Tado website!).
Clicking on the Commands tab shows a list of all available commands and the option to log numerical values and weather status. Data updates every 30 minutes, but you can force an update on demand with the Refresh command (note that this forces the update of weather data as well as all your devices belonging to this home).
The widget displays the current weather as an image, along with the temperature, current brightness, and the people present at home.
Clicking on a Tado user takes you directly to their configuration page:
Clicking on the Commands tab displays a list of all available commands, along with the option to store the obtained values.
There are no particular constraints when using actions in your scenarios.
Except for configuration actions for AC modules.
In this case, you must always first switch to an AC mode other than “auto” before setting a desired temperature (and probably other parameters).
Otherwise, you will receive an error in the logs informing you of this constraint.
Contact the developer specifying the models of Tado/TadoX devices you own, missing features, or malfunctions, as well as any information you deem useful.
Do not forget to provide the logs of the plugin and its daemon (be sure to mask personal data).